
SEO and Your Etsy Shop

Cynthia Hull

SEO and Your Etsy Shop


SEO … S … E … Omg!

In the world of online business, SEO is a must. You want the little robots finding your site and serving it up when someone searches for what you do.

As an Etsy shop owner, you want the Etsy robots to serve up your products on the first page when a shopper is looking for what your offer. 

I think it is important to offer different resources – sometimes hearing the same advice from various sources helps me to understand it better.

So, here are the most up to date Etsy SEO strategies I found for you:

First up .. go to the source. The Etsy Help Center has terrific info. You should also check out the Etsy Seller Handbook. Also, this blog by Etsy is full of really great information.  

From Fuzzy and Birch, an entertaining round up of why and how of Etsy SEO: “When you’re creating a listing, try to imagine that you’re someone looking for that item.

Shopping Bags image

Also good advice: 

“The correct and accurate implementation of Etsy SEO 2019 is the key to unlock the top position on the Etsy search result to the buyer’s query. You can ensure a good Etsy ranking to your product if you pay close attention to your search engine optimization techniques.” Find out more from CED Commerce. From the same source: Etsy SEO: 5 Optimum Tips to Get Your Etsy Listings on Top.

Another good read from a girl’s gotta eat':

My favorite takeaway:

Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization means what it sounds like – if all your listings have the exact same keywords and phrases in their titles, tags, and descriptions, search engines will not know which one to show and they will eat away at each other’s ranking. Bad news when a couple words could be the difference between a slow month and fat stacks of cash.

Looking for video instructions?

Business Chic Mama has an easy to understand video here:  My favorite tip  .. don’t do keyword stuffing in your listings, she says that is like throwing pasta at a wall.

Tanya from Shooting Start SVG has his advice

And a really recent  video from Add to Cart can be found here:  He says you aren’t trying to find the best Etsy SEO hack, you are trying to be awesome. What other advice do you want? 😉

The holiday season is approaching fast and it doesn’t really end for months for shoppers. After Christmas it’s time to get your shop ready for Valentine’s Day, then there is Easter and spring events, then teacher’s gifts for end of school, then summer weddings. Take some time to learn SEO and put it into practice in your shop. You won’t regret it.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is SEO?  SEO is shorthand for “Search Engine Optimization.”  That is the exercise of improving the traffic to your website (both the amount of traffic and the quality of traffic) through organic search engine results.

How long does SEO take on Etsy? You need to give your listings about 30 days for the keywords to be found by the bots. So, start now optimizing your holiday listings!

What are the best tools to use for Etsy keyword research?

  1. Erank
  2. Marmalead
  3. Google Keyword Planner
  4. Etsy Search
  5. Site Explorer

 Keep Reading

3 Ways to Build Trust with Your Etsy Shop

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