The Cynsational Entrepreneur
3 Reasons to Blog for Your Business

Do you have a blog on your website? Maybe you’ve thought you should start a blog, and maybe even posted a few times but ran out of ideas and time to keep it up. Now is the time to rethink blogging as a marketing tool. I recently found these three eye-opening stats on blogging: Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links 81% of US consumers trust advice & information from blogs Another study found that B2B companies with a blog, posting as little as 1-2 times per month, generate 70%...
5 Ways to Spark Creativity

It never fails. I am in the middle of my shower, thinking about the day ahead when a great idea pops in my head. As I shampoo, another idea bursts into existence. It might be a topic for an article, or a money making idea. Suddenly I am full of creative, exciting ideas. I can't wait to get to my desk. By the time I get to my desk, after drying my hair, dressing, getting coffee, all those great ideas have vanished. Like waking from a dream, I only have a sense of what the idea was but my...
Eight Timeless Truths to Success

Author Michael Jeffreys talked to 15 top motivational experts for his book: “Success Secrets of the Motivational Superstars”. Mr. Jeffreys extracted eight truths that lead to success from leaders such as Brian Tracy, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins and more. These eight truths they all agreed upon. These secrets are timeless: Live Life On Purpose What often separates the successful from the unsuccessful is the belief the successful hold that they are fulfilling their purpose. When you live your life on purpose, your main concern is doing the job right to realize your objective. For the entrepreneur this means...
Do What You Love .. Love What You Do

Welcome to Cynsational Resources You have heard it over and over. Do what you love. Love what you do. Your success is linked to how much you love what you do. Your financial success will skyrocket when you have a passion for what you do. And you probably thought, "Yeah right! I have kids to feed, a mortgage to pay, credit card debt to pay off, medical bills, and a car that needs new tires. How can I do what I love, I have to keep my job?" Sound familiar? You are right. You have responsibilities and bills to pay. You can't quit...
I Have an Assistant, Why do I need a VA?

Your assistant is truly your right hand. You seem to share a brain and communicate easily. She shares your goals for your company and helps drive your success. Why do you need a VA? Your assistant is probably spending time on tasks that need to be outsourced: schedule management, travel planning, slideshow creation, online research. You can create more time in your assistant’s day and free up some of her valuable energy by outsourcing tasks she can easily oversee. Calendar and Schedule Management: Your VA can reconfirm your appointment date and time, plus confirm location and provide...